The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 12th, 2017

@PolyParadyme @coindesk Device is great, @LedgerHQ support is great, has a few issues that should be fixed before too long.

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I’ve been putting the @LedgerHQ Blue through the wringer for the past month. I advise reading my upcoming @coindesk…

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@kristovatlas @a3456gf I thought it was common sense that at some level of resource consumption, people will become unwilling to pay it…

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@Satoshi_N_ @kyletorpey I’d say it’s more analogous to carrying a firearm for personal defense as opposed to brandishing it.

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@deadalnix @kristovatlas @a3456gf Not sure a market for nodes makes sense given that outsourcing node operations breaks the security model.

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@deadalnix @kristovatlas @a3456gf It’s certainly not binary, but neither can anyone quantify a CONOP demand curve.

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@kristovatlas @a3456gf It goes both ways; how would you test it without actually deploying bigger blocks on mainnet? Arguing is a wash IMO.

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@kristovatlas @a3456gf The only evidence you’ll find is anecdotal posts of people saying they shut off nodes for using too many resources.

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@kristovatlas @socrates1024 *shrugs* because they’re using you instead of Google?

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If you find exchange rate volatility too much to stomach, you’ll find exits conveniently located on your left, righ…

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