Codealike And that, kids, is why we call it a “Patch”. pic.twitter.com/zjiXGcS29A

If you enable TOTP 2FA but then delete your phone number from @Twitter, it disables the TOTP 2FA. pic.twitter.com/h6cgPNyul6
Thanks for adding TOTP support @twitter but… you’ve done nothing to protect users against phone porting attacks. https://t.co/l7bamo1PIE
@Chris_Stewart_5 I could see that slowing its potential acceleration, though I doubt it would slow its current velocity.
RT @juscamarena: Sent my first instant bitcoin LN payment to a random irc user on testnet. Second-layer tech for the win! @lightning #light…
@KingSolomonMine @seweso @kyletorpey Optimizing for perfectly full blocks probably comes at cost of slightly less optimal fee collection.
@seweso @kyletorpey I suspect that they’re the only ones using a transaction selection algorithm that targets perfectly full blocks.
@Chris_Stewart_5 Governments can’t stop people from building & sharing software. They tried to do so with restrictions on crypto in the 90s.
@kyletorpey That query is all miners but every time I’ve checked the blocks I’ve never found one mined by a different pool.

@kyletorpey Looks like they’ve made 76 of them so far, according to blockchainsql.io pic.twitter.com/MkuWZaxAYU
There is no amount of pessimism from Bitcoiners, Buttcoiners, or any other skeptics that can slow down Bitcoin’s development progress.
Posted 4 days before @lightning’s alpha release. 🙄 https://t.co/PAPtIs7DyA
@CharlieShrem BU decreases fees by creating an alternate currency that has a much lower exchange rate 😂
lopp I truly believe that, given the accelerating rate of technological development, the geek shall inherit the Earth.
lopp Some day you’re going to apply for an important position and the background checker bot is going to find that tweet you made decades prior.
@VinnyLingham But I bought tickets to a rollercoaster! I demand a refund!
RT @cgledhill: Scientists Extract Fingerprints from Photos Taken From 3 Meters Away
https://t.co/Zx5NzVbO7J #cybersecurity #fintech…
pesa_africa Bitcoin skeptics: “Explain away. Explain it to the last god damn detail”
Bitcoin: I don’t care. Take it or leave it
@BambouClub @satoshiPL https://t.co/W7qaVBd7R4 is non-custodial - you hold your own keys. IIRC BC keeps an encrypte… https://t.co/6zMrCgrDC3