The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

January 21st, 2017

@kristovatlas Has anyone done the math on the worst case growth scenario? Could at least set a baseline from which to work backwards.

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@kristovatlas I don’t understand the claim that a BU node’s local limit actually limits your cost. You have to even…

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@kristovatlas The condition where miners keep increasing the size of the blocks they create well past the resource…

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@kristovatlas @SDLerner And maybe there’s a flaw that can be exploited to crash every node on the network 😔

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@kristovatlas @SDLerner If so, maybe they were recently patched & we’ll learn about them in a few years 😯

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@kristovatlas Yep. We’re all looking for progress. A few years ago it looked like a simple hard fork block limit in…

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@kristovatlas It’s my personal opinion - I’m not willing to commit to an unknown unbounded cost. I suspect I’m not alone.

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@kristovatlas @sickpig In some senses, though not from the perspective of increasing CONOP.

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@kristovatlas Wasn’t the most computationally expensive to validate txn on mainnet the 1MB tx by f2pool? Thought it…

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Protesters created this Constitution and drove it from Washington state to Washington DC. It’s huge, but huge enoug…

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@BitcoinBelle @notgrubles I tried to explain this to people. After attending today, my conclusion is that people do…

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@mikestable Hard to tell, it’s quite overcast.

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I facepalmed over plenty of signs at today’s protest in DC; my favorite was “Privatization is theft of public wealth.” *facepalm *

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@gavinandresen @StackElectronix It would be a first AFAIK. I’ll be sure to report back if I encounter that level of jamming!

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If you’re attending a protest, install FireChat first. Government thugs can jam cell signals, but they can’t stop bluetooth mesh networks.

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@markcross @MKjrstad You can run a SegWit compatible pruned node, sure. Though it doesn’t “count” for anything exce…

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