@olivierjanss I like unlimited free lunches, but people keep telling me that they don’t exist…
@ARKblockchain @Excellion Lying liberal blockchain media keeps pumping out FAKE NEWS! They should ask big league devs for facts! SAD!
@brianchoffman I’ve never been known for having a sense of fashion.
@WayneVaughan Found it - @rusty_twit did some analysis a year ago rusty.ozlabs.org/?p=564
@deadalnix @CharlieShrem @svestkajarosla1 Indeed, for there is no such thing :-)
@WayneVaughan I’m pretty sure I’ve seen such a chart before, but can’t recall if there’s a site that hosts it.
Real talk: I’ve seen smart people removed from consideration for opportunities because of their unprofessional conduct on @Twitter.
I’ll be speaking about building on blockchains Feb 4th at @AllThingsOpen’s Open Source 101 in Raleigh, NC. https://t.co/HFoiL37qug
@el33th4xor Lawyer up, delete Twitter, and hit the gym.
Linux didn’t win the desktop, it won *everywhere else.*
What if Bitcoin is the Linux of finance… 🤔
https://t.co/lZOoHsNgl1 H/T @rusty_twit