@jimmysong Here you go, don’t waste it.
@crodas Monero
You, as a human who is trapped in a single point in meatspace, may fear governments that wield a monopoly on violen… https://t.co/f6JmV4rvCz
Privacy is not a crime; KYC is not “fine.” https://t.co/b58VTwcf3j
The crypto wars will never end, they will only fluctuate between hot and cold. We must remain ever vigilant.
Trump is an authoritarian who is only going to pardon swamp dwelling dicks, not freedom fighters. https://t.co/f1sEzBZTnZ
@btcede Lawyers are experts at stalling and blocking bureaucracy. You just have to feed them fiat.
@bradmillscan Too much skin in the game to simply roll over at this point.
Sorry, but it’s too late for surprise unilateral absurd federal cryptofinance regulations. Expect any such shenanig… https://t.co/84JweGvhei
@twobitidiot Yes but you have to filter the hell out of replies.
@DURATIONISMONEY @davram88 Shitcoiner spotted!
@BrianLockhart My first shitcoins!
Fiat -> bitcoin
That’s it.
That’s the trade.
@btcbraj @brendanlane00 @matt_odell @CasaHODL To be clear, the Mobile Key in a Casa multisig gets automatically bac… https://t.co/sWMlnVlatA
Bitcoin is
a financial escape pod
camouflaged as a bubble
protecting its occupants from
the relentless sucking vacuum of fiat.
@coinableS *cringe* all I see are single points of failure. He’s just lucky the physical coin hasn’t been lost or destroyed.
@MaciekLaskus @EconTalker Absolutely; we’re happy to hop on a call to discuss your needs!
Formula for successful skeptic wrecking:
1. See Bitcoin skeptic predict its demise
2. Search for all tweets mention… https://t.co/YV6VT46KAU
@ShillShakespear Keen eye, Shilliam 😉
@GuFinProf How’s that skepticism working out for you? https://t.co/n8pD1Ftw5V
@awayslice Meh, if you aren’t having issues then it’s probably not necessary.
Bitcoin is the Internet of money. Those who don’t understand network effects shall miss out. https://t.co/DdgxUJXoMt
@8ubSaietta Interesting that several folks have had that comment; I haven’t had that issue myself.
@patrickvelleman It’s certainly not /necessary/ - I see it as a game to see how much you can accelerate physical change in your body.
@brenorb Fair enough, I drink a fair amount of broth too. The glucosamine may be overkill.
@pig_poetry Glucosamine is a pretty standard joint supplement, I even give glucosamine to my dog. I haven’t had joi… https://t.co/hBAl7EPCsE
An 18 year long Oxford study of 55,000 people, 2,000 of which were vegans, concluded that people who didn’t eat mea… https://t.co/BBa8lovFXl
@Datavetaren I’d defer to @brucefenton
Vitalik on brink of second ICO for ethereans https://t.co/Jrmg1CTfvB
@yogitakes Adverse mouth side effects from 2 weeks of soylent? I don’t recall having any.
Day officially ruined, thanks. 🥲https://t.co/lcBTCXWzw0
@PeterMcCormack lel “suddenly collapsed” - it also had “suddenly exploded”
7 years ago I performed basically the opposite of my current experiment and lived on a 100% soylent diet for 2 week… https://t.co/tMTvKpnapT
@mezzzio Too soon to say, but I noted that upon starting the keto supplement I stopped having occasional throat or… https://t.co/1OrZPwJNUe
@KarmosKoen We shall see, I’m one month in and tracking several metrics.
@_bullbearcrypto Berberine

Breakfast of biohacking champions pic.twitter.com/MPo4sB1qgH