Do they want planet of the apes? Because this is how you get planet of the apes.
SpaceX is a testament to private enterprise. No government ever figured out how to reuse rocket boosters; why bothe…
@nvk Several of them are dead and several are still clinging to life.
@BeforeTheVoid Monero multisig has a ways to go.
@cryptovegan Users are free to take their keys to other software if they want to claim forks.
@CryptoRudolphus You are mistaken; we’ve been running a self custody service for several years.
It’s not too late to front-run much of the wealthy elite by exiting fiat first.
@AaronvanW BiTcoiN hAs inFiNitE inFlaTiOn
Every time I see some sweeping shitcoin shenanigans I can’t help but think of all the engineering hours we’ve saved…
What will it take for folks to realize that it’s not possible to secure Rube Goldberg machines?
“There’s a fine line between being a Ponzi scheme and being a bank.”
- @FinanceChai (@ihaveCred’s former head of capital markets)