@uacomment This is the offending device; it only powers on when I orient it with the logo facing up. https://t.co/4CidfAHjPv
We suffered through decades of never being able to plug USB-A devices in the first time we tried and now some of yo… https://t.co/4pg38UJCdD
@StopAndDecrypt Feel free to bake that into your actual answer.
@ColorCombos That’s because presidents don’t bother to ask Congress to declare war any more… they simply order the military to strike.
RT @BitcoinMagazine: “Don’t fall for the biggest mistake in Bitcoin” says @forwardsecrecy.
Human error is the biggest security vulnerabili…
Odds on Trump deploying military to disrupt peaceful transition of power? 😬https://t.co/UR5k4D89fU
@danielcawrey @pierre_rochard Oh noes did @pierre_rochard get stripped of his hat & beard when he was suspended from Twitter?
@slavic_american Russian bot says what
@cathode_g @Ivan_Is_Back Wen rails & reflex sight?

The United City-States of America pic.twitter.com/sUaMVqbfrd
@burakinmove Trump is 10 years younger and doing it 20 years later sooooo
@nvk *quack*quack*
@djangobits IIRC he was sentenced to a number of years in prison but Italy had some law that people over 70 can’t b… https://t.co/vaSLGdR3Fg
Trump has been running the Silvio Berlusconi playbook the entire time. The continuation of which means that he’ll b… https://t.co/dbIqNxSJa9
@Everytown Politicians can’t control technology.