Are suits a protected class now
Your comms channels have been deemed too dangerous to the elites.
Mission accomplished.
Exit all Fed manipulated markets.

Free the markets from the manipulators who turn them off on a whim!
The democratization of finance will turn every market into a shitcoin casino. Fuck fundamentals; respekt da pump!
If @wallstreetbets folks find fun in wrecking hedge funds, wait til they figure out how to wreck central banks.
@cameron If all you care about is fiat.
Govt agencies can only afford to go whale hunting. They lack the tools to capture a school of piranhas.
How can you take any market seriously if it can’t even maintain several 9s of uptime this day in age.
NASDAQ just exposed a vulnerability; spool up the botnets boiz!
Government agencies perpetually struggle to keep up with the results of technological advancement. The real questio…
This may be the year in which the crowd realizes it can beat Wall Street at its own game.