@PeterMcCormack traveled back in time from 2024 to show us how it’s going. pic.twitter.com/A1GR9jO0nI

Coincidence? ðŸpic.twitter.com/6U6pA2qkGekGe
@FomoErektus Proving a negative is an impossibility; you can’t prove I’m not Satoshi. And yet no one has done more… https://t.co/3FSpQdj9qS
@ob1ock @ONTIERLLP @SimonCohen85 @Sara_J_S @JoeWoodward95 It is indeed, though Craig already managed to harm his ow… https://t.co/XG5V5avIvH
@BitcoinsvS @OMGCoins @ONTIERLLP @SimonCohen85 @Sara_J_S @JoeWoodward95 Take what to court? I’m not a victim here -… https://t.co/mcKm9enjBy
@FomoErektus The bar has been set all along; Craig has done nothing but avoid it.
@WhatBitcoinDid @Frances_Coppola @nic__carter LOL dat intro music
Sure has been a while since we’ve had any fresh fraudsters claiming to be Satoshi Nakamoto…
@PeterMcCormack @vessenes I bet most folks don’t even know who he is any more.
RT @blocks_podcast: This first industry interview is live with @Nneuman of @CasaHODL! We talk about securing #bitcoin, the importance of se…
When you HODL bitcoin, you’re savin’ time. https://t.co/vcrLniOu9w
RT @BTCMinstrel: Bitcoin needs a sea shanty.
@pete_rizzo_ Were the “journalists” prohibited from owning bitcoin?
The Bitcoin Time Traveler warned us in 2013 that after enough adoption cycles, salty nocoiners who stayed poor will… https://t.co/OxAELb1eeH
@OMGCoins @ONTIERLLP @SimonCohen85 @Sara_J_S @JoeWoodward95 I’ve been quite clear about it for years. https://t.co/yVwOrrtHut
Bitcoin DGAF about your politics.
You shall not succeed in imposing your politics upon it.
@nvk Anti-dunkers!
@ONTIERLLP @SimonCohen85 @Sara_J_S @JoeWoodward95 Hey @SimonCohen85, @Sara_J_S, @JoeWoodward95 - you’re working for… https://t.co/AXvcJgGOLe
Bitcoin is a system of peer-reviewed facts. https://t.co/WSkNPhMc89