@mmviii_2008 @slush @slush_pool Scammer’s gonna scam. Could be using this to run some affinity scam on the side.
Laughably bad bullshit claim. Pooled mining didn’t even exist before November 2010 when @slush launched what is now… https://t.co/S8Eswc8Bnd
@kyletorpey LOL I forgot about that guy. Looks like he blocked me.

@MalwareTechBlog You new here? pic.twitter.com/O8HaHPSW95
elonmusk Am donating $100M towards a prize for best carbon capture technology
I bet there’s a huge unexplored market for NFTs of chainsaw ice sculptures.
Strike down one Bitcoin instance and ten thousand will take its place. This is antifragility.
RT @DigitalAssets: The Bitcoin White Paper by Satoshi Nakamoto laid the foundation for a groundbreaking peer-to-peer electronic cash system…
Bitcoin doesn’t need heroes
Bitcoin doesn’t need leaders
Bitcoin gets fucking legends
RT @orionwl: fwiw
RT @lopp: Whale patiently waiting for you to panic sell your bitcoin. https://t.co/Sch6ctpOeq
Contribute to an idea
Contribute to a cause
Contribute to a timeless project
Contribute and you can never die
RT @hasufl: New Article: Was there a Bitcoin double spend on Jan 20, 2021?
@CRYPT0_is_KING @CalvinAyre No one of any importance.
The ecosystem will not be bullied by you and your pet plagiarist, @CalvinAyre. We are legion.

Inflation benefits the wealthy. pic.twitter.com/Mu2XTcG2Es
@danheld Bitcoin literally grows on merkle trees.
@vagarywheels @CasaHODL Not all all, though we don’t have support for languages other than English at this time.
RT @CasaHODL: 🎉New Year, new Casa App feature updates!
Learn more about our January product updates, including some of our 🔠customer feat…
The big boys aren’t dumb. They will FUD the hell out of bitcoin if it benefits them to get cheap coins. Don’t fall for it.
@intangiblecoins Sir wen fidelity.com/bitcoin.pdf
Somebody wants a bigger dip to buy… https://t.co/9zb09kwNAV
@rjurney Pretty much. He’s been caught in so many lies you’d be a fool to believe anything he claims.
@rjurney What $180M? Are you referring to the Tulip Trust? That whole thing is just another made up story.
@rjurney It’s a long con that has been going for over 5 years. It’s just annoying at this point. If you really want… https://t.co/XiTGP41U5T
@CElston My entire site is open source and could be spooled up on a new host in a matter of minutes. github.com/jlopp/lopp.net
@keremtibuk Honeybadger is still an apt metaphor, though I like cyber swarm more. I believe it encapsulates the HOW… https://t.co/5EhG1J2pxH
A lone hornet doesn’t stand a chance against a predator.
A swarm of cyber hornets can defend against anything.
As Bitcoin continues to grow, become more valuable, and threaten more incumbents, expect the volume and severity of… https://t.co/tJ0v8ilpXD
RT @morcosa: @midmagic @lopp This shouldn’t be one developers fight.
@CalvinAyre As usual his shenanigans will backfire. Gonna be hilarious to see an explosion of web sites hosting the… https://t.co/7lQcdhPSCL
@fluffypony @WhalePanda @Satoshis_D Don’t forget serial plagiarist.
@rjurney Just some legal threats from a con man. https://t.co/dzc3MZe3O5
I’ve hosted the Bitcoin whitepaper for years. I eagerly await my lawsuit. The fraud who does not deserve to be name… https://t.co/rWpxB0ZbME