@nic__carter Make Self Hosted Blogs Great Again
@benmezrich @NeerajKA On the bright side, you didn’t turn down 200,000 BTC for a gig like Lily Allen did in 2009.
“Set aside deficit concerns” is the opposite of “but think of the children.”
@ryfxyz123 @eric_lombrozo I think so. We have found social key sharing with family members to be useful for less technical people.
@tyler Sir, the meme is “when in doubt, zoom out.”
Fools hopping from one centralized platform to another, hoping for magical censorship resistance. https://t.co/2auDcPRCc0
@briancogle Owner was a boomer
@briancogle What do you find hard to believe?
Went to a store and noticed it had a Bitcoin ATM.
Me: “Hey, do you get much traffic on that thing?”
Owner: “Ugh, I… https://t.co/nVlZcKUGr1
“I don’t feel comfortable buying Bitcoin because it’s complicated and I don’t fully understand it.”
… so you’re… https://t.co/1cSkzdEvuj
RT @CasaHODL: Secure your $40k BTC like it’s $400k BTC.
When bitcoin hits $100k I’m going to…
… fund a lot more Bitcoin developers.
The “town square” is the internet. It’s not the saloon or the barber shop. https://t.co/r55QdzJSrT
@TheRealestMarc @jerrybrito @cgimmer Aha, I think something’s up with @port8333. I got several false “your node is… https://t.co/LbZGRWGDn2
Case in point - it has begun. https://t.co/FIGB1jwBxq
@jerrybrito @TheRealestMarc @cgimmer Reachable node count looks a bit low.
Keep the bitcoin “technical analysis” folks in your prayers. It’s very difficult to draw triangles on vertical lines.
@mflaxman Unfortunately these metrics tend not to be public.
Alex Trebek’s final episode of Jeopardy! contained a clue:
“A satoshi is the smallest unit in this currency system… https://t.co/YRNxmJaf5x
@mflaxman Web traffic. Social media traffic.
@CaitlinLong_ @nic__carter @crypto_popsicle @jchervinsky @nvk administers https://t.co/jvCfBqawNp