Is it ironic that the woman who made Bernie’s mittens says her mitten business was crushed by taxes?…
@intangiblecoins Enough fun and games; it time to crush this dumbass.
@stephendpalley @prestonjbyrne @r0ckstardev @ChattorajTK @GoldChainLane @vandrewattycpa @gordonlawltd @btcsteve @Excellion via GPG
@prestonjbyrne This is going to be an epic smackdown.
RT @mikebelshe: A year ago @CalvinAyre threatened @BitGo after we dropped BSV. We dropped it because the genius BSV devs broke their own bl…
Q: Why did Satoshi choose an upper limit of 21,000,000 BTC?
A: The limiting factor is the max value of a 64 bit int…
“I never learned anything while I was talking.”
- Larry King, RIP
@g1021_m @BestOrNothing4 @mynodebtc Correct.
@PeterMcCormack @hodlonaut Looking forward to him trying to sue every node.
bitcoin-cli getblock 00000000000000ecbbff6bafb7efa2f7df05b227d5c73dca8f2635af32a2e949 0 | tail -c+92167 | for ((o=0…