Free markets don’t need overseers for protection.
Free markets just need transparency and to let fools get rekt.
Mr. Boy just learned his first lesson in the perils of using trusted third parties.
@souljaboy All you have to do is relocate to Russia, Mr. Boy
@primex001 It’s not /great/, though to be fair they would not be able to censor traffic between nodes on the tor ne…
@PeterMcCormack @elonmusk Elon entered the ranks of the gigachads.
We’re gonna need wider on-ramps.
@iaintbishop @CasaHODL Unfortunately, selling is the only way out.
The lockdowns have given people more time to research how the world works.
The lockdowns are fueling their frustration.
@WhalePanda @druidian Never gets old.
Those libertarian lunatics you can’t stand are going to keep building Fuck You technology and you’re going to like it.
Information wants to be free
Markets want to be free
People want to be free
Freedom will win
Fuckin’ posers. Real crypto exchanges don’t halt, they only crash due to overwhelming demand.
Bitcoin /is/ the money. The only way you “take it off the table” is by taking it away from risky third parties and…
@crypto Central bankers need to be prepared to get rekt, warns cypherpunk.
@nic__carter A new gigachad appeared

@hectorr159 We’re all getting Teslas!
If you “owned” bitcoin on Robinhood last week, you were naive.
If you “own” bitcoin on Robinhood today, you’re a moron.
Elon won’t take us to the moon.
We’re headed to Mars now.
That aged well. Sorry Scott, no dip for you.
Folks spent a decade saying Bitcoin was a scam.
Now they’re realizing they had their money parked in scams the whole time.