@pig_poetry @AriDavidPaul Fo sho. I’ll store them in my armory and will issue them when the time comes.
@RobWarren_ On a full sized keyboard, yes. Neat trick with hexadecimal is you can use your left hand for the letter… https://t.co/paN4as19hW
If you send me a screenshot of a transaction hash I will quietly curse you for wasting 15 seconds of my life typing and checking it.
RT @lopp: 2020 was a great year for Bitcoin
@AriDavidPaul How many gun-poor friends might you need to arm?
@AriDavidPaul Guns.
Guns are fun.
Guns are useful.
Guns are a great store of value.
This is your brain on stupid charts. https://t.co/RYGTmyJMpP
Few folks are capable of managing financial windfalls. Some basic rules for bitcoiners:
* Live within your means
*… https://t.co/OqttpZRTJu
@NeerajKA Saying “Bitcoin is just for criminals” is no different than saying “Bitcoin is just for everyone.”
@bradmillscan @jeetsidhu_ The identity of the victim wasn’t published.
Please slow down with your bitcoin purchases.
The memelords are having trouble keeping up and are having to recycl… https://t.co/qyxjMzFpSv
@Koover88 @AFDudley0 @aantonop I’m in no position to tell others how to face such situations of extreme personal ri… https://t.co/35PMVSQ0IC
@HTMLHODL It depends upon your assumptions but this is probably in the ballpark: https://t.co/7lhMFjDfSP
@nickfogle Heating up but still only around 30% of previous cycle FOMO.
The exchange rate remains the least interesting aspect of Bitcoin. Don’t limit yourself to such shallowness.
@CovWayne Be the change you want to see.
Problem with posting bitcoin’s exchange rate in terms of fiat/BTC is that it gives the impression that bitcoin user… https://t.co/Xv0Wdl1iBX
Dear Bitcoin skeptics:
A trillion dollars ain’t what it used to be.
@jimmysong @ethereumJoseph Shoulda escrowed, bro.
Are you tired of winning yet?
A man who works in the crypto industry was kidnapped and tortured in Kiev last week. The 7 attackers demanded $800,… https://t.co/fjEhNuD0Ll
@m1racles @mrmoneymustache I neither know nor care. I’m in this space to build Fuck You Money; I figure the markets… https://t.co/mOL93eaMGG
@primex001 @mrmoneymustache I literally have a “skeptics calendar.”
It just so happens that it’s the 3 year anniversary of
@mrmoneymustache’s article, “Why Bitcoin is Stupid.”
Aging… https://t.co/RNEs5F6jyH