@JabulonCrypto You must want to feel the burn.
It’s not that Bitcoiners want the world to burn.
It’s that they looked at history and chose to learn.
Those in powe… https://t.co/iYAn1NONyZ
@pwuille @paddypisa I consider HFSP to be a sneer at hardened skeptics. IMHO it should only be used against folks w… https://t.co/BWDJZyqroP
@DaddyBaseball Red flag!
@newsycombinator Except Bitcoin incentivizes use of cheap excess renewable energy and I’m not gonna pay to read that FUD.
@mira_hurley It’s only a fair point if you have a high time preference.
If you can’t handle the dips, you don’t deserve the rips. https://t.co/9vsVS319Ns

Why “market cap” is a stupid metric, exhibit #9543 pic.twitter.com/Qf4vtxAlZx
Long certain scarcity
Short certain debasement
@udiWertheimer @Twitter Gonna need that 2 minute length limit lifted, then…
@udiWertheimer @Twitter Yeah IDK why they’d disable youtube embeds since that keeps users inside the app…
Dangit did @Twitter also remove the ability to simultaneously embed both an article link and a subtweet?
During the past 4 years I’ve averaged 2+ interviews per month; you can find over 100 of my interviews here: lopp.net/interviews.html
Any decent financial advisor should be able to explain the risks of owning bitcoin.
A great financial advisor will… https://t.co/SJZvqkK2tm
Markets determined to change are more powerful than governments determined to prevent change.
The Bitcoin Core Config Generator is now compatible with the 0.21 release of Bitcoin Core. https://t.co/BLC9JDnXzq
@_prestwich @VitalikButerin Extremely common in my experience. Many of the notifications I get for bad links on my… https://t.co/bgQlF1C962
Configuration options available in Bitcoin Core version…
0.5: 31
0.6: 48
0.7: 61
0.8: 64
0.9: 67
0.10: 97
0.11: 1… https://t.co/ZQv5FoVqK2
@ibrightly @TheStalwart “Libertarians in charge” is an oxymoron.
A non negligible number of Buttcoiners are early Bitcoin adopters who fell into a FUD trap, sold all their bitcoin,… https://t.co/m7LI16LfVG