Not your stock certificate?
Not your stock.
@lawmaster read the room!
@_JustinMoon_ This is where @scamclerk picks up the slack

Welcome to the desert of the real, retail investors.
buy bitcoin
short banks
self custody
resist censorship
There’s a word for games that are pointless to play because the rules are perpetually at risk of being rewritten.
It’s called politics.
starkness 2008: Too big to fail
2021: Too small to win
@_JustinMoon_ pink sheets
meme stonks
history doesn’t repeat, but it does rhyme…
All this talk of chicken tendies is making me peckish.
The central points of failure are pissing off the masses.
RT @GrapheneOS: An experimental version of our web-based installer for GrapheneOS is now available:
This can be u…
Long freedom
Long transparency
Short conspiracy
Short authority
WSBChairman They can only control us because we use their currency.
Don’t forget to withdraw your stocks from exchanges to the security of self custody.
Oh wait
Imagine the value of systems architected to provide confidence that their rules can’t be changed arbitrarily.
One thing that DeFi does right in comparison to traditional markets is allowing folks to get rekt when they do stup…
Watch who changes the rules when they start losing.