The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

October 3rd, 2022

lopp bitcoin veteran seen preparing for bear market

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 4:04 PM, Oct 3rd, 2022 via Hypefury)

@Leo_Bitcoin It’s physically impossible for the whole world to share the same base layer. Routing layers are necess…

via Twitter Web App

@Leo_Bitcoin My point is that Ethernet cannot scale to global adoption - it requires other layers in order to achie…

via Twitter Web App

Global bitcoin ATM installations recorded a net negative change for the first time (ever) last month……Si

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@pete_rizzo_ where are the coffee stains and staples though

via Twitter Web App in reply to pete_rizzo_

RT @bitrefill: .@andrewschulz, @MrBeast got lucky this time! Maybe secure it with @CasaHODL by @lopp instead of a sticky note

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@Leo_Bitcoin Ethernet doesn’t work.

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@danheld Well they’re certainly not GPG signed, so they could be fake.…

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@ursuscamp I prefer to think of it as “evergreen”

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‘tis the season to be subjected to ads of why you should vote FOR / AGAINST local CANDIDATE X because they will…eW

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@DavidVorick Or maybe folks should just assume that all endorsements are financially incentivized and it’s best to DYOR.

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@pete_rizzo_ Yeah it’s not a perfect answer. Might also have to do with wanting overhead to perform arithmetic…Fc

via Twitter Web App in reply to pete_rizzo_

@sethforprivacy I could see it interpreted several ways. In general it seems safest to use the term in a self…fY

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@sethforprivacy I feel like I’m gonna get a lot of mileage out of this tweet.…

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@stealthygeek @MFloresFive @ChristopherA @MilwaukeePolice To be clear, simply moving is not sufficient. You have to…

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@ramzataz Ripple (the company) existed well before they launched their distributed ledger.

via Twitter for Android in reply to ramzataz

@nonononoabody A year or two was spent debating trying to standardize on millibits or bits. At this point I don’t…Xx

via Twitter for Android in reply to nonononoabody

@wsheeep There have been a lot of attacks in Dubai. Probably more than 3.

via Twitter for Android in reply to wsheeep

A gang of 9 robbers invaded the Dubai office of a bitcoin trader and took over $1,000,000 in cash.…

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Want to make sure you don’t miss my in-depth articles? Subscribe to my newsletter at - you’…xX

via Hypefury

Q: Why did Satoshi choose an upper limit of 21,000,000 BTC?
A: The limiting factor is the max value of a 64 bit…1X

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