@cobie Financial advice!
@elonmusk Was my speculation on the right track? blog.lopp.net/why-twitter-mu…
What’s the fine for catalyzing a Streisand Effect, @GaryGensler?
When can we expect the scambots to be crushed, @elonmusk?
RT @DocumentingBTC: #Bitcoin mining is reducing energy prices by 90% for this village in Kenya.
Hydro is producing more energy then they n…

Shout out to the PRs that have been open and untouched for multiple years. pic.twitter.com/ULG6VmIU3y
@ryaneshea Yet another reason why intellectual property is a silly concept. twitter.com/lopp/status/97…

MemeingBitcoin #bitcoin does not waste energy, it is energy pic.twitter.com/TejjHFTKbr
@BVBTC Why is nobody talking about this?!
Last chance to get in!
@BitcoinAssn BSV and virtue are like oil and water
Mining is an important aspect of Bitcoin’s security. Miners timestamp batches of transactions and make it expensive..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Zs
Why do so many otherwise intelligent folks hold and propagate misconceptions about Bitcoin? Because they haven’t pu..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…4y