JamesMelville “If we are not able to ask sceptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be scep..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…1c
@signifec if only I could find a way to harness their energy
@MHube017 @nvk @TAPSIGNER Careful, that looks like some high purity uncut entropy.
This shit can take down a nation state.
The true prize is the pleasure of discovery.
The real honor is the observation of others benefitting from your wor..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…QM
RT @averyhodl: too soon?
The cyberpunk dystopia is already here, it’s just not evenly distributed yet. massivelyop.com/2022/10/07/rus… pic.twitter.com/SCPOBfNA2h
@danheld @AriDavidPaul Yeah but did you try some 40 year old supply too?
@taoeffect Yeah. If Craig had put all the energy he spent on plagiarism into actually building stuff…
@CarlosR54449997 Trillion
@Bitcoin @PeterSchiff ? not seeing this entry
@ram4nd LOL “database tokens”
The invention of digital scarcity is of such economic importance that it’s difficult to overstate its significance.
@ErikVoorhees I guess it’s the Nobel Prize in Keynesian Economics, eh
The Nobel Prize in economics belongs to Satoshi Nakamoto, not Ben Bernanke.
@DocumentingBTC You’ve got your work cut out for you @nvk @BTCtreasuries
@BloggingBitcoin @brilliancebtc @Suheb__ That would do it.
Number Go Up technology pic.twitter.com/uGp2aBk8Ng
@zdforcier Chain sync stalls due to block validation bug. Lightning payments still work but it’s dangerous for your..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…R2
@MrChrisEllis @BitcoinErrorLog @bitcoinmalaya @TO Chris Ellis is never gonna recover financially from this.
@PresideNFTs If it gets published to a web site then I’ll probably find it. I have google alerts set up. Other time… https://t.co/KruZEVVUKZ
BtcpayServer Docker deployments: We bumped to 0.15.2. Please update now if you want your LND node back online! :) twitter.com/BtcpayServer/s…
@PavolRusnak I see no reason why older versions of lnd would not still have the same btcd library bug. But you can..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…kx
roasbeef reproducible binaries for lnd v0.15.2 hot fix release are now available: github.com/lightningnetwo…
we appreciate yo..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…rL
Did you know that over 100 physical attacks have been perpetrated against Bitcoiners? You can learn more at this hi..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Qe