lopp “Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time.”
- Henry Ward Beecher

Learn to enjoy your alone time or you’re gonna have a bad time. pic.twitter.com/KhUmr9JACU

@Dr_CSWright @stackthosesats @gavinandresen dO YoU eNjOy bEiNg DiSHoNeSt pic.twitter.com/I5O2qLAurF

@Dr_CSWright @gavinandresen Do you have a doctor’s note to explain your amnesia, Craig? pic.twitter.com/0uTZLzFUSY
Bitcoin is for enemies. https://t.co/k5TfSX84gb
RT @Arthur_van_Pelt: The @hodlonaut slam dunk in Oslo, Norway made me enter into a writing spree modus, it seems.
“Craig Wright And The Ju…
When you’re in uncharted territory, all your charts are worthless.
Strap in and enjoy the ride.
@Tamaraw_1971 @peterktodd @adam3us He’s just hoping to argue his way into a different reality and suck poor saps in..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…NA
@DANSHILLZERIANN @MrHodl I’m not in the habit of repeating myself ad nauseum. You’ll find plenty of resources on… https://t.co/KbmNIOIw0B
@MrHodl @Dr_CSWright @peterktodd @adam3us 5D chess, don’t you see?
Or is it 1D checkers…
@Dr_CSWright @peterktodd @adam3us My time is too valuable to waste weeks in court like you do, Craig.
I shall await a better counteroffer.
@Dr_CSWright @peterktodd @adam3us I’m happy to explain Bitcoin!
Please note my expert witness consulting rate is 0..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…BK
@Dr_CSWright @peterktodd @adam3us Are you super duper sure you choose that as your field of battle?
Impressive mas..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…o4
@Dr_CSWright @peterktodd @adam3us “debate meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” https://t.co/5ggYY1LGOu

@Dr_CSWright @peterktodd @adam3us Welcome to lawl! pic.twitter.com/95dUX7cHcr
@Hardisk At least I’m generally able to filter out notifications from them…
@diegogurpegui I know I updated it to reflect the new guix build system, did I miss other architectural changes?
@PatrickNeary597 Correct.
@GlobalLife365 I’m sure migrating would be a huge pain, so it won’t happen unless github starts being unreliable. E… https://t.co/tPHHYJftGY
A decent number of US Congress members speak favorably about Bitcoin. But how many of them actually believe in it e..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…vd
lopp Ladies, if he…
* says he’ll protect you
* makes you ask permission
* takes a cut of your paycheck
* beats you if..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…oB