A deep dive into the security practices and power distribution of the Bitcoin Core project. blog.lopp.net/who-controls-b…
@Wealth_Theory much appreciated!
@stardust350 he was clearing flying over Windows XP
This footage of a Russian Su-25SM3 pilot ejecting after being shot down over Ukraine is believed to be the first ev..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…nE
@RichardHeartWin That pattern does a good job camouflaging your tits.
Do they make a matching scarf? You should check.
@evoskuil Wen rewrite release?
@hyc_symas @cryptzzzzz @OhGodAGirl Let me guess, your explanation for the fact that 20% of the hashrate is still ru..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…9K
@holyvarez FYI you’re a fool if you believe anything on Ayre’s propaganda site.
@hyc_symas @cryptzzzzz @OhGodAGirl Explain how well that attack worked against Bitcoin
@LukeDashjr @xavierfiechter @evoskuil @giacomozucco @murchandamus @francispouliot_ Is there any reason to expect th..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…hb
@xavierfiechter @evoskuil @giacomozucco @LukeDashjr @murchandamus @francispouliot_ Generally. It’s about time for m..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…o2
@xavierfiechter @evoskuil @giacomozucco @LukeDashjr @murchandamus @francispouliot_ Sure, added.
@evoskuil @xavierfiechter @giacomozucco @LukeDashjr @murchandamus @francispouliot_ This should be a complete list o..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…QF
lopp Bitcoin has…
no charismatic leader
no funded foundation
no governance token
no vesting schedule
no steering counc..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…8E
“There are two kinds of people who lose a lot of money: those who know nothing and those who know everything.”
- Henry Kaufman
Bitcoin is anti-theft technology.
@ercwl Is that actually an accurate figure in terms of value extracted from the scheme?
@JeremyRubin Bitcoin’s social contract is
@Arthur_van_Pelt Maybe he demanded “Dr” but they refused due to his years of falsely claiming to have a PhD and the… https://t.co/0Y1LWcMkXS
@goodc0re Good catch; maybe that’s why it wasn’t working for me!
My pronouns are hee / haw.
@PeterMcCormack Their punishment should be to have their feet glued too.
@MrHodl @BrianLockhart @SGBarbour I no longer test my blood for ketones because I can feel when I’ve fallen out of… https://t.co/KhWL0OW7kv
@SGBarbour I’ve always slept soundly, though biggest improvement was that I stopped snoring. That was probably due to the weight loss.
Fake gurutwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
@dolywoho @PeterScottMorg1 @CryptoBull69420 @Dr_CSWright bad bot
@eag8510 @mikealfred If there’s one thing I learned from Krav Maga training, it’s that physique can be deceptive wh..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Nk
Why do miners sometimes create empty blocks even when there are transactions waiting to be confirmed? Is this a pro..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…gs
@mikealfred I’m a fighter, not a runner. Highly prefer MMA style cardio over running.
@d1g1talis I wouldn’t advise using them long term, but in the years since losing the weight I have managed to keep..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…rD
@BobAlice21 Had it drilled into my head back in my email marketing days that any progress worth striving for is wor..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Oa

Y’all didn’t even know how inclusive we Southerners are, did ya? pic.twitter.com/Qws28j29di
@Miraculix00 Nothing special, I just do high weight low rep lifting on whatever muscle groups aren’t feeling sore.
@CommodoreBTC I have been doing that for about a month now. I haven’t noticed any negative effects, but neither hav… https://t.co/OKuXT772W9
@smolwet Probably. Whenever I break ketosis I immediately feel bloated and gain several pounds.
@ChrisBlec A total of 2 hours of physical effort per week seems pretty low to me. If you consider abstaining from l..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…56
lopp Why do so many otherwise intelligent folks hold and propagate misconceptions about Bitcoin? Because they haven’t pu..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…vd
@badcryptobitch It just depends - not all fruits are equal when it comes to net carbs. myfooddata.com/articles/fruit…