Lessons learned from my experiment in maximizing weight loss with the least amount of effort. blog.lopp.net/fat-fit-four-m…
@badcryptobitch Might be time to look into buying your own equipment…
@agerhanssen Congratulations, you’re now complicit in the scam.
Get rekt.
@utxo_one so close
@Dr_CSWright @agerhanssen You try so hard to project a reality distortion field, yet you’ll never achieve a millionth of a Steve Jobs.
@Dr_CSWright @agerhanssen Nobody’s worried about your dogshit patents, Craig.
@agerhanssen @Dr_CSWright Aggressive? Nay, defensive. Craig has been the initiator of aggression.
@Dr_CSWright I seriously doubt we’ll have to wait 15 years for your affinity scam to collapse.
@smaugysmaug @DTMiningCo @agerhanssen Imagine thinking I’m dumb enough to fall victim to Brandolini’s Law.
@agerhanssen Because I detest liars and parasites. Satoshi gave a gift to the world and this grifter is propagating..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…jK
@BraiinsMining Not your ASIC
Not your hashpower
My investment philosophy is to invest in the things I want to see succeed.
Maybe that’s charity rather than invest..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…CC
@utxo_one That was Edison after he lost a shitton in South Sea Trading Company amirite
My fundamental problem with investing is that markets are made of people. As such, the value of an investment is ca..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…nC
@Jeff75241155 I’ll be here long after you’re rekt and gone, Craig cultist.
lopp L̶i̶b̶e̶r̶a̶l̶
@paalsky @agerhanssen “Denied” is not a synonym for “debunked,” dumbass.
@DonTravlos @agerhanssen Yes, that photo is in the article I linked. You didn’t read it, did you?
@prestonjbyrne What I’m especially interested in is using A.I. to ingest ALL of the laws on the books at every leve..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Va
@agerhanssen Have fun getting scammed. bitcoinmagazine.com/business/op-ed…
“There can be few fields of human endeavor in which history counts for so little as in the world of finance. Past e..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Q8
@Streaming_Sats found the clown
On a related note, I’m predictably seeing BSV users reporting problems with transactions not showing up in their wa..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…mR
A deep dive into claims that it’s safe to remove Bitcoin’s block size limit and instead rely on existing SPV method..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…gZ
@GANGGANGHODL1 Google the quote. Obviously I added the parentheticals.
First the innovator, (BTC)
then the imitator, (BCH)
then the idiot. (BSV)
- Warren Buffett
lopp Bitcoin isn’t a security.
Bitcoin is security.