Bitcoin and cryonics are both revolutionary technologies - but are the also complementary? Can you “take your…TY
@Dr_CSWright @Twitter @gmaxwell “Enjoy your last moments?”
Ermagurd how dare you threaten me!?!?
@Dr_CSWright Oh no! What’s taking them so long to come get this easy money?!?!?
@sat_bits The risk is bringing attention to your IP address and inviting folks to probe your network. You can run…O0
The media wants you to get triggered.
The politicians want you to get triggered.
The algorithms want you to get…YA
@Dr_CSWright @Twitter Don’t give up, Craig!
Maybe with an English degree and a few more law degrees you’ll…kG
The first step to enslaving a people in modern times is to make them believe they belong in chains. It’s all the…71
@Dr_CSWright @Twitter It’s amazing that a man with so many degrees has such a poor mastery of his native language……Sk
@Dr_CSWright @Twitter LOL do you need a court to help you interpret English?

@Dr_CSWright @peterktodd @aantonop @adam3us REEEEEEEEE
@Dr_CSWright But but but muh rolling iceberg orders! ROFL you clown.…
@SharpObejects Yeah unfortunately the only way to access midjourney at the moment is via discord.
@bitcoinplebs @Xentagz Heh you might want to remove the beard part from the prompt.

The trend is not your friend.
Cease consumption of fiat food!
@paalsky @hascendp6 @Dr_CSWright @adam3us As if I’m going to fall for the ruse that it’s possible to engage in an h…
@peterktodd @Gigapik Craig’s army of brainwashed fools is trying to drum up engagement by claiming we “can’t” answe…
@Gigapik @peterktodd You’d like that. I will not try harder because it’s a waste of time.
@Gigapik @peterktodd No one will debate Craig because it’s not possible to debate a dishonest dipshit. It’s a waste of time.
@koeppelmann Bitcoin has never been tested? Are we living in different simulations?
@monetarydivorce Hmmm I doubt it because the degradation would mean they are using less bandwidth via tor, right?
@CoinControversy No need to imagine, LOL!…
@MediumSqueeze Epic beard!
@N8twon Nope. This Chad kept going for hours until the lions got tired and gave up.…
In order to sync a Bitcoin node quickly from scratch you need both fast hardware and plenty of bandwidth. The…AT
Folks, the giraffe survived. You really think I’d post a snuff film?
This Chad kept going for hours until the…xK
@brucefenton Pay $5 a month for Twitter Blue and you’ll be able to edit those typos. :-)
@LtcBtc It’s a value from 0 to 1 of how much weight the AI gives to the image. The higher the weight, the less…hY
@xebeche5 @giacomozucco I’m nice to those who deserve it. I’m a relentless asshole to scammers and liars.
@Jeppybean77 This Chad kept going for hours until the lions got tired and gave up.…
How to generate avatars with MidJourney. My prompt:
<URL to your headshot> ,pixar style portrait, fantasy art,…Qf
@PeterMcCormack @arcbtc Glad to hear you finally learned what an xpub is.
@boltannical This Chad kept going for hours until the lions got tired and gave up.
@CryptoVinco Oh look, the bullshitter is back with more lies.
This Chad kept going for hours until the lions got…10
@pdxpete144 This Chad kept going for hours until the lions got tired and gave up.…
@vcm060 This Chad kept going for hours until the lions got tired and gave up.…
@fourstringfrett This Chad kept going for hours until the lions got tired and gave up.…
@BitCorn_Luffy Don’t worry, this Chad giraffe kept going for hours until the lions got tired and gave up.
War is peace.
Weakness is strength.
lopp Twitter privacy tip: when you copy a tweet to share it outside of Twitter, a unique tracking ID may be appended…AH