lopp Bitcoin’s primary function is not “store of value” - that’s a result of its primary function.
Bitcoin is “fuck you..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Lw
Once you realize that no one is going to lead you to freedom. pic.twitter.com/N7qQPesbyx
@wtogami SBF implemented RBF (Replace By Fraud) at FTX.
This is an unconfirmed report, but it wouldn’t be the first time a Bitcoin holder was attacked in Moscow. https://t.co/rJOq3Xke2j
@igorsushko Is there any media coverage of this to which you can link?
Headline from a year ago.
How’s everybody feeling? pic.twitter.com/Rir3ULEzYO
@BitcoinMagazine Novo having a LUNA tattoo in 5 years is still very possible.
8 years of @github contributions.
Currently keeping a 3.5 year long streak going! pic.twitter.com/DsPiUY4IuF
@RainIsWetter All Midjourney all the time
@FatManTerra I’ll delete it for 100k satoshis. Deal?
@zackvoell You’ll find yourself saying that a lot in the coming years!
Few folks are prepared for how weird the world will become as the line between imagination and reality continues to..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Fz
@PeterMcCormack If you dunk my tweet I’ll dunk yours
Volatility, regulatory complexities, and poor software can make tax accounting a nightmare. These services can inge..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…3V
lopp Don’t fear the artificial intelligence that can pass the Turing test. Fear the AI that deliberately fails so that w..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…QF