@bax1337 @zachxbt Privileged first worlders seem to have completely forgotten the risks that are inherent to bearer assets.
lopp “Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time.”
- Henry Ward Beecher
Narrator: it was the latter.
The trickle of SBF/FTX revelations is getting pretty annoying - can’t someone just rip off the band-aid and dump all the data?
@elonmusk If only there was a way to opt out of such shenanigans.
@BVBTC This is the way. twitter.com/lopp/status/91…
@PeterMcCormack Gasundheit

Always check the axes! pic.twitter.com/9NYQSQsdb2
I drew upon my decade of experience to generate this objectively accurate list of the most important Bitcoiners:
@NeerajKA It’s unclear if the FBI’s concerns about Apple’s encryption plans are good news or just a psyop.
@gladstein Maybe if they learn about how Taro enables multicoin on LN, they’ll get interested!
@Arthur_van_Pelt @itswillmack Did he make the first payment?
@mysticaltech Seems to be better balanced.

Good news, developers! pic.twitter.com/iN5JD6k5ye
@rot13maxi @nic__carter Table tennis!

How MSM divides us by directing our attention: pic.twitter.com/XdnnA4Hvmp
@nic__carter Easy to pick up, for sure. It’s my third favorite racquet sport after squash and racquetball.
@elonmusk Please keep in mind that some abandoned accounts have historical value, such as those owned by folks who..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…UF
If you want to use bitcoin you must first own some. You can exchange other money for BTC or you can earn it by sell..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…gV
If “environmentalists” had half a clue how Bitcoin works, they’d be spending their energy trying to increase Lightn..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…4Q