A few days ago we were being banned for promoting alternative social networks. Today I’m seeing paid ads for them! pic.twitter.com/1fQcGQzW7L
@benz145 Plank FTW!
@DrNo_Reformed @Kevin_McKernan Turns out I was wrong; they have already exposed 360 communities they’ve mapped!
@DrNo_Reformed @Kevin_McKernan Check out hive.one to find quality Twitter accounts. At the moment th..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…0P
“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” - Thomas Paine
lopp welcome to web3 where every click is a taxable event
A lot of folks don’t seem to know how bail works; you don’t have to pay the full bail amount. In many cases you don..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Tc
@brucefenton Merry Christmas
Shouldn’t one’s bail amount be higher than the amount you’re accused of stealing?
@0xGoogi My historical sources have changed over the years, but the past few years I’ve used The Block’s annual report.
My @LuganoPlanB keynote presentation is now available!
We must learn from history in order to understand the dange..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…zR
Crypto industry venture capital funding:
2012: $23M
2013: $120M
2014: $368M
2015: $850M
2016: $850M
2017: $1,200M
@_prestwich That’s the best way to ensure you finish.
15% of all bitcoin mined in 2022 was generated by publicly traded companies. Core Scientific, which just filed for..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…rr
Bitcoin balances on exchanges (estimated via on-chain heuristics) dropped 20% from 2,821,054 to 2,244,941 during 20..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…Ga

Crypto exchange spot trading volume halved from 2021 to 2022 but remains multiples higher than in years prior. pic.twitter.com/66HI3Q8nt0
@DanDarkPill @adam3us @druidian He is Satoshi when it’s convenient.
He’s not Satoshi when it’s inconvenient.
@egolder256 ROFL
Translation: after having his ass handed to him by judges in 3 different countries, he’s giving up trying to scam t..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…nY