Bitcoin transaction fee estimation is a goldilocks problem wrapped in a future prediction enigma shrouded in…BG
@cobie He has a very busy media schedule.
Get in line.
lopp Bitcoin isn’t a get rich quick scheme, it’s a don’t get poor slowly scheme.
@MarcosDarkos I appreciate your honesty.
@shesek @OpenAI Slightly disagree on the importance of contributing to the network. If few folks offer open ports…Pc

Thankful that now I can tell folks to direct their Bitcoin questions to @OpenAI!
I look forward to the day I can prompt AI with a list of musicians and ask it to generate a mashup in the style…Y6
Software tend to either get better or get worse over time. How has Bitcoin Core fared? In this historical…ww
Recent Moscow attack has been confirmed. Oddly enough, it seems like the attackers failed / forgot to actually…Pj
“The secret of happiness, you see, is not found in seeking more, but in developing the capacity to enjoy less.”
- Socrates
Just as Bitcoin’s whitepaper only described the starting point, not Bitcoin’s final form, so too shall it be with…Ak