lopp This is my node. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My blockchain is validated by me. It is my financial..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…jd
woonomic MSM won’t tell you this. Blockchain is just a technology, it’s how it’s put together that makes the difference. It..twitter.com/i/web/status/1…77
Oh dear, I broke ChatGPT pic.twitter.com/MAxvlnIC71
So it’s come to this… pic.twitter.com/sTpDFSEGy2
@bitcoinorthobro According to Faketoshi Notamoto, anonymity is the shield of cowards. seclists.org/basics/2008/Ma…
@AloysiusChan86 Non English speakers deserve to learn about Bitcoin too!
منابع فارسی بیت کوین bitcoind.me
Bitcoin is a weapon of math destruction against the centralized authoritarian financial system.